Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering any products or services from GS2 Design Ltd.
You should understand that by ordering any of our products or services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Small print…

We do encourage you to read on, as these Terms of Business answer many common queries…

GS2 Design Ltd take the security of your data and personal information very seriously. We will act responsibly in relation to holding, transferring and processing of your data and personal information. All files and material of any kind, information – whether written or verbal, is treated in the strictest confidence. When sensitive information is required to be divulged to a third party as part of a project, consent will always be sought prior to the event.

(1) Originals owned by GS2 Design Ltd or its agents remain GS2 Design Ltd’s exclusive property. Items supplied by the customer shall remain the customer’s property.
(2) Customer’s property, supplied to GS2 Design Ltd or its agents on behalf of the customer are deemed to be at customer’s risk and the customer should insure accordingly. The customer agrees to obtaining all necessary authority to reproduce any content provided to GS2 Design Ltd for the purposes of fulfilling the customers instruction. The customer agrees to indemnify GS2 Design Ltd against all losses, damages, claims or expenses arising from any breach of this condition.
(3) GS2 Design Ltd, under normal circumstances will store original artwork on file for a period of one year beyond delivery, after which time GS2 Design Ltd reserves the right to dispose of it without notice. Duplicate copies can be supplied for an additional charge should the customer request them.

GS2 Design Ltd will adhere to agreed schedules. However, the customer agrees any delay in supplying materials or approval to GS2 Design Ltd shall extend the deadline by a period at least equal to the customers delay. In addition, customers failure to meet ‘time sensitive’ deadlines will entitle GS2 Design Ltd to prepare a revised schedule based on a realistic estimate of the effect of the delay, taking into account other works scheduled by GS2 Design Ltd. GS2 Design Ltd or its agents shall be under no liability if unable to carry out any provision of a contract for any reason beyond its control including Act of God, legislation, war, fire, flood, drought, failure of power supply, lock out, strike or owing to any inability to procure materials required for the performance of the contract. During the continuance of such contingency the customer may by written notice to GS2 Design Ltd elect to terminate the contract and pay for work and materials to-date, otherwise the customer shall accept delivery when available.

Proofs will be submitted for approval, customer has responsibility to proofread and review all work produced during the project. As a result, the customer is fully responsible for any errors in spelling, typography, illustrative layout, photography or other errors discovered after printing or reproduction as GS2 Design Ltd shall incur no liability for any errors not corrected at proof stage by the customer. Two rounds of customer and design revisions are included within our project costings. Customers alterations and any additional proofs necessitated thereby may be charged extra. In situations where the customer is not available to check proofs and GS2 Design Ltd must make judgement for the sake of timely product delivery, we shall exercise all possible care, but shall incur no liability for any errors or omissions so caused. Similarly, if no customer representative is available to check final proofs, GS2 Design Ltd reserves the right to suspend production without liability until such a time as those proofs can be checked.

GS2 Design Ltd offers the very highest standards of design and professionalism. Every effort will be made to obtain the best possible reproduction of customers work. However, it is the customers own responsibility to ensure that any media submitted are suitable for the work in hand, GS2 Design Ltd cannot accept liability for results caused by unsuitable or inferior originals submitted by the customer. Printing material – unless stated by the customer, GS2 Design Ltd will use their professional judgement as to which paper or board, weight and finish to use. GS2 Design Ltd will replace sub-standard print in line with Print Federation and industry guidelines. GS2 Design Ltd endeavour to deliver the correct print quantity ordered, but estimates are conditional upon margins of 10% allowing for overs and shortages.

GS2 Design Ltd liability shall not exceed the total of the contract fees for the project. GS2 Design Ltd will not be liable for any loss or damage to the customer or any party, including loss of profits, damage to property or wasted expenditure, it is the customers responsibility to insure against any such loss and damage.

GS2 Design Ltd will provide an estimate outlining the project specifications and estimated fees for our time based on our current hourly rate, plus any goods and professional services commissioned by us in order to complete the project. If the brief changes that alters the specifications described in the original estimate, GS2 Design Ltd will submit a revised estimate to the customer, revised fees must be agreed to by both parties before further work proceeds. Additional or alternative work requested by the customer performed by GS2 Design Ltd after an estimate has been approved is considered to be a revision or alteration. Two rounds of customer and layout/design revisions are included within our project costings. Authors alterations and revisions additional to these, including copy changes, are billed at our standard hourly rates. Estimates are based on a reasonable time schedule, GS2 Design Ltd reserve the right to revise estimates to take into consideration any ‘time sensitive’ requests for work required in a hurry or that requires overtime. Our suppliers may mark up their charges for the same reason. Estimates are valid for 30 days from the date on the estimate.

GS2 Design Ltd reserves the right to insist upon payment being received prior to the commencement of work for customers that have not had a submitted credit application approved by our accounts department. Normal conditions will result in an invoice being raised on delivery with full payment being made within 30 days of invoice date. GS2 Design Ltd reserves the right to apply weekly interest charges at 5% on any balances outstanding after 31 days. The customer will pay GS2 Design Ltd any expenses incurred in connection with the recovery of monies outstanding. If full fee is paid on date of deposit, Customer shall receive a 5% discount on the estimated fees. Any granted rights to property in any preliminary or completed work shall not pass to the customer until GS2 Design Ltd has received full and satisfactory payment of all the preliminary or completed work and all other work carried out by GS2 Design Ltd for the customer for which payment is then due. Until such time the property including intellectual rights in any work carried out by GS2 Design Ltd for the customer remains with GS2 Design Ltd, the customer shall properly store, protect, insured and identify as GS2 Design Ltd property. The Customer shall not be entitled to resell or use such work, whether tangible or intangible.

Cancellation Fees:
In the event of Cancellation GS2 Design Ltd will be compensated for: (1) all work performed up to the date of termination; (2) all outside expenses and commitments that have been incurred and cannot be cancelled; and, (3) a cancellation fee equal to 20% of the remaining fees that would otherwise have been paid if the project would have been completed. Upon cancellation all rights to any preliminary or completed work are retained by the Designer. All original art must be returned, including sketches, comps, or other preliminary materials.

Ownership and Usage Rights:
The rights to all design and artwork, including but not limited to photography, music and or illustration created by independent photographers, artists or illustrators retained by GS2 Design Ltd, or purchased from a stock agency on behalf of the customer, remain with the individual designer, artist, photographer or illustrator.
On payment of all fees, the following reproduction rights for approved final designs created by GS2 Design Ltd for a specific project:
• Customer is granted full transferable rights to brand identity.
• Customer to gain full license to reproduce supplied artwork through commercial printers. Unless a purchase of ‘all rights’ is negotiated with GS2 Design Ltd, you may not use or reproduce the design, artwork or the property therein for a purpose other than the one(s) originally stipulated. If you wish to use the design GS2 Design Ltd have created and/or the images/graphics within it for another purpose or project, including a reprint, you must contact us to arrange the transfer of rights and make full payment of any additional fees before proceeding.
Artwork files including roughs, visuals, mock-ups and presentations are the property of GS2 Design Ltd and will not be released or copied for the customer or any third party to use in any way whatsoever without prior written agreement by a director of GS2 Design Ltd. GS2 Design Ltd reserve the right to photograph and/or distribute or publish any work we create for you, including roughs, visuals, mock-ups and presentations, for our promotional and marketing needs, and as samples for our portfolio, newsletter, brochures, presentations, website and other self-promotion channels.

Credits and Promotion:
A credit line for GS2 Design Ltd suitable to the design of the works may be used. Customer agrees to pay an additional twenty percent (20%) of the total fee, excluding expenses, for failure to include the credit line.

As the internet is not a secure medium of communication, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transferred to or from GS2 Design Ltd via the internet. Any e-mails may be intercepted at any time by a third party as such communications will not be encrypted. Any such e-mail will be deemed, therefore to be non-confidential and those e-mails may be intercepted by other parties. GS2 Design Ltd is not and will not be responsible for any damages you or any other party may suffer as a result of the loss of confidentiality of any such information.

Acceptance of project estimate/quote assumes acceptance of Terms and Conditions.

These conditions and all other express terms of the contract shall be governed and constructed in accordance with the Laws of England.